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Pyhang Game

  • Basic Hangman clone in Python
  • List Example I
  • Hangman

Hangman Game

The following game illustrates the use of lists.

import random

def play(self):
    # List of words to choose from
    words = [ 'apple', 'banana', 'pig', 'going' ]

    guesses = []

    chances = 7
    tries = 0

    # Pick a random word
    word = random.choice(common_nouns)

    gameword = [ '_' ] * len(word)

    # This is our game loop.
    while tries < chances:

        print(" ".join(gameword))

        # Ask the player to guess a letter.
        print("Guesses: " + "".join(guesses))
        print("Tries left: ", chances-tries)
        guess = input("Please guess a letter: ")

        # Did we already guess this letter?
        if guess not in guesses:

            if guess in word:
                for i in range(len(word)):
                    if word[i] == guess:
                        gameword[i] = guess
                tries = tries + 1

        # Check if the word has been completely guessed
        if '_' not in gameword:
            print("Congratulations! You've guessed the word: " + word)

        if tries >= chances:
            print("You've run out of attempts. The word was: " + word)

Initially, you can just use print(gameword) instead of a more complex way of printing the game word. Later you can introduce .join() and explain what it does. Also, after the testing stage you can add more words.

pyhang_game.txt · Last modified: 2023/11/06 01:07 by appledog

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