= Roger This is a record of what we did in Roger's class. 1c = 1.5h == November 2023 * [[pybog game]] -- a word search game in python == October 2023 * 3. [[Robots-3]] part 3 * 10. [[Robots-3]] part 3 final * 17. [[Robots-4]] part 4 Adding a Sprite Sheet with animations. * 24. [[pyhang game]] Hangman in Python == September 2023 * 15. [[Dice Class]] (1c) * 19. [[Robots]] part 1 * 22. this class was canceled because I had to go to ChangHua for a bilingual teacher's meeting. * 26. [[Robots-2]] part 2 * 29. [[Robots-2]] ? I think this class was canceled.